Friday, May 31, 2013

Yoga, Meditiation and shamanism

yoga is not only physical exercise, a therapy, another worldly affair but a way of life in which integration with the samasthi around is achieved. yogabhyas in yoga modules shouldn't be therefore focused only on asan- pranayan and  kriyas but should be designed to develop and cater to the needs of all the pancha kosas and should integrate a person with the samashti. it should be samagra yoga.

Transforming our client's inherent god-wardress into the right spiritual urge. Rising out of the teaching of Upanishads through each soul is potentially divine and faith in god, in turns means faith in one’s self.
Meditation can be an effective form of stress reduction and has the potential to improve quality of life and decrease health care costs.

It is described within eastern religious or spiritual tradition as an indwelling divine feminine energy that can be awakened in order to purify the subtle system and ultimately to bestow the state of yoga, or divine union. This awakening involves the kundalini moving up the central channel piercing the chakras along the way, to reside with in sahasara chakra above the head. This movement of kundalini is felt  by the presents of a cool or in case of imbalance, warm breeze across the palm of hands or the sole of the feet
If u are seeking something different  experience in  life through pilgrimages process and spiritual experience we commit to give the full satisfaction to our clients by shamanism. We welcome you in sacred journey to Nepal for deep inversion into the culture spiritually and healing process traditionally that make you feel how animism came into functions and how this traditions transforms from generation to generation.

What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is the ancient healing power practice and spiritual belief of the people live in certain Asia. It is also called’ the honoring of spirits. Balance is important to keep harmony with in oneself the community, and the environment. When things get out of balance there are harmful affect, this is why a shaman is needed. Normally shamanism is held by witch doctor who is the specialist, believed to have some form of health from the spirit world. The main duty of the shaman is to restore and maintain balance in his community. He conducts blessing ,rituals of protection, hunting, magic, and divination. He also cure sickness that have spiritual causes such as spiritual instructions, spiritual pollution  soul loss and curses. He is also the care taker of traditional culture.